CMM Implementation System

A step-by-step guide to facilitate quality implementation and improvement of CMM that is grounded in implementation science theory and refined with evidence-based learnings from the CMM in Primary Care Study.

What is the CMM Implementation System?

The Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) Implementation System provides a blueprint for the implementation and improvement of CMM in a clinic-based setting. The ultimate goal of the system is to improve patient care and value-based outcomes through implementation of the CMM patient care process. 

The system provides a comprehensive set of resources that focuses on educating pharmacists and other healthcare providers about CMM and helps users establish and expand effective CMM services. The system is based on the principles of implementation science as well as the learnings of pharmacists who have successfully implemented CMM in their own practices. The system will guide users through a step-wise process to ensure CMM is implemented effectively and delivered consistently in order to improve care and positively impact patient outcomes.

How Should I Use the CMM Implementation System?

Implement a CMM Practice

Choose this pathway if you are implementing CMM in your practice setting for the first time. The System will educate your team on the principles of CMM and ensure your team understands the value proposition, has well-defined goals, and has a clear plan for your CMM implementation effort.
Implementation Pathway

Improve Your CMM Practice

Choose this pathway if you have already established a CMM practice and are looking to improve the CMM services you are providing. The System will help you achieve and maintain fidelity to the principles of CMM and enable you to measure your improvement and share your successes.
Improvement Pathway

How Can this System Help My Practice?

The CMM Implementation System can help you: 1) understand the fundamentals of CMM; 2) assess the needs and goals of your organization; 3) assess the fit of CMM with your organization’s needs and goals; 4) build an implementation team and assess the team’s readiness; 5) define your CMM-specific goals and objectives; 6) assess your CMM foundations; 7) develop an implementation and measurement plan; 8) implement, monitor, and improve your plan; 9) evaluate your successes; and 10) tell your story

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See How it Works

The Comprehensive Medication Management Implementation System is an interactive platform that will lead your team through a series of steps to help you implement, improve, and sustain a CMM practice. The System provides resources to help ensure that you are laying adequate foundations for your implementation or improvement effort, defining your overarching purpose for providing CMM, and obtaining the resources and buy-in you need from key stakeholders prior to initiating implementation or improvement.

Once your foundations are in place, you will be led through a systematic process to successfully implement new CMM services or improve existing ones. Comprehensive guidance documents, self-assessments, and other resources are included within each step to assist you in your implementation or improvement effort and to, ultimately, help you build a business case for sustaining and scaling the CMM services you provide.

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Looking for the CMM assessments?

Directly access the CMM Philosophy of Practice Self-Assessment, the CMM Patient Care Process Self-Assessment, and the CMM Practice Management Assessment Tool (PMAT).
CMM Assessments and Tools